1 min readDec 29, 2021


Naval says suffering is when you come face to face with reality. When you can no longer deny or ignore circumstance? Reality slaps you in the face and wishful thinking fades away.

There is this song by Apollo LTD that I like that has the lyric, ‘It can be a hard, hard thing just being alive’. It continues, ‘…the pain
of being human’. 📍 .When I want to drown myself even father into a depressive mood and a feeling of helplessness; I put on Swimming by Mac Miller. Then I wallow, oh how I wallow.

Since I was re-listening 12 Rules For Life…. just today, I find it appropriate to describe suffering as chaos. The state is accompanied by some deep emptiness, a feeling of being lost. Something like when your phone battery goes flat when you are driving in a place you have never been and your sense of direction goes straight out he window with the oh so useful Maps application.

I just learnt that stress is when the two things are pulling from each other in opposite directions. I feel like that’s where I find myself right now. Under some undesirable tension.

