Quality Leisure Time

2 min readOct 15, 2020

How about about making a conscious decision to have the ‘veggies’ of leisure activities rather than the ‘nutrient-empty-candy’ type instead? If you have the option, why not opt for the healthier choice? Of course veggies do not always taste as good as their alternatives. Regardless of the circumstantial reality we enjoy some of the most distasteful substances for the sake of the ‘reward’ that they promise. Surely a slight mindset shift and a little bit of taste acquisition, we could do better.

What deters the health factor anyway? Perhaps leaving it to personal consideration for the sake of a tailored resolution may be best? If it is something that moves you closer to optimum wellbeing, would that be the most ideal? If so, am definitely in support of that. Something with an embedded lesson would definitely do it for me. After all, not all learning happens in class.

Without active recall and retrieval practice and other concepts of the like, not much life-sustained learning actually takes place as sciences has proven. Even though that can be true and well founded, for the most part we are what we consume and our brains are not off when we are going on with our days. Rather, synthesising information as it is being received, creating the mental models and other things that I have absolutely no expertise to speak on.

I might be coming across as a bit too high minded. What fun is there in intentionally orchestrating every minute of leisure? Well, this is wishful thinking; which I do hope will land us on the clouds at least. There is so much to gain from our time unwinding.

Perhaps it is taking the idiom “If you are not progressing, you are regressing too far”? I hear that “there aren’t enough hours in a day” but of course taking some time off from the more important matters is essential. Its is just that garbage isn't.

The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts: therefore, guard accordingly, and take care that you entertain no notions unsuitable to virtue and reasonable nature.

— Marc :)

