The Richest Man In Babylon :

3 min readOct 3, 2020


Personal Reflections

The Gold Lender of Babylon

Of what I have, how much am I willing to temporarily part with. I do expect to get it back. Of course I will get it back, right ? It is all I have after all, I am positive that you are mindful of that. Or maybe I should be the one to take care of my own, how can I trust that after spending what’s left of what was mine, we will both remember that I ever lent, expecting you will keep to your promise and pay me back.

I realized that I did not have the concept of priority after reading ‘How to develop the leader within you’. John was addressing time management and he brought to my attention that we will never have enough time to do all that we ever want to do. Therefore, it is left to our skill of prioritization to pick and choose what is worth our time.

A slight digress; there has been an advertisement of ‘keystone habits’. A repeated task/action on which the rest of our day hangs. If we carry out that particular activity, whatever it could be, even a nap. A chain reaction of positive habits tends to elapse. Therefore, it is to our benefit to take note and mark down what that activity is, in our individual lives. Make an effort as you schedule your day or week, to find what that pivotal habit is and seek to accomplish it; adamantly.

I would like to regress and speak from the notion of the wealthy valuing time more than money. At moments of clarity most of us meet its importance. We receive some sort of enlightenment but it unfortunately happens inconveniently later than sooner. Though luckily, its value is not ultimately concealed to anyone who is eager to sort after what it means to have time and to be alive.

I speak of borrowing and lending but in regards to time, as if anyone could ever pay it back. Things do take time to materialize and to come to life though at times the yield comes so far off in the future we can not even pin it to the growing pangs and sowing that we partook in earlier on.

At what inconvenience am I prepared to bare and shall I be going to substitute your lack for my means? I have time and you need mine. Is your cause a good investment. Could I not spend my time in other ways that promise a more resound principle. Besides profit, am sure you would care for my enjoyment besides your need and would like to see me enjoy my hardwork’s earnings. Time management is a skill after all and I have spent my entire life horning it.

I am prepared to offer you a portion of my worth. All I need from you is a visible plan of how you are going to repayment of your debt. Least I satisfy a need without any likelihood beyond doubt that it will return what it now owes and am not stuck in a bad debt.

